The Great American Rain Barrel is coming to Walpole!

Great American Rain Barrel

While COVID may have had a dark side, it also had some upsides in 2020.  With more time on their hands, people took up activities they did not have time for before the pandemic. Gardening became a form of solace for many in the wake of the pandemic. In 2020, people planted more vegetable and herb gardens than in previous years. According to Garden Center Magazine’s Industry Report for 2020, sales from vegetable plants and herbs had increased more than 15% from 2019.1

People were thinking more about conserving energy and money as well as ways to be more environmentally conscientious.  With erratic weather raging throughout the world, rainfall was unpredictable — at times we had rampant flooding and other times we were in a drought. Sales of rain barrels increased as they offered homeowners with an alternate water supply during periods of drought.  Due to COVID-19, Great American Rain Barrel rolled out fewer programs with Massachusetts cities and towns in 2020 but increased its national sales over 50% from 2019.

A survey conducted by BCG (The Boston Consulting Group) reported that since COVID began, 71% of the people surveyed were extremely concerned about water resource management.  Infectious disease and air pollution, were 82% and 72% respectively.2

To find out more about the barrels and participate in The Great American Rain Barrel Program, please visit: and select your town. Barrels are offered for $79, and will be available for pick up on Tuesday May 18th 5:00-7:00pm  at the Town Hall Parking Lot 135 School Street Walpole, MA 02081. Deadline for purchase is May 11th,  Midnight.

How to Order: Select Town

Pick-Up: May 18th 5:00-7:00pm Town Hall 135 School Street Walpole 02081

Deadline: May 11th, Midnight


About the Great American Rain Barrel

The Great American Rain Barrel is a local food importing company that has been repurposing shipping drums into Rain Barrels since 1988. The Great American Rain Barrel Co. has been an approved vendor by the MASS DEP since 2010.
