Master Plan 2022 - Goals

A Working Vision and Goals for Walpole's Master Plan - March 2, 2022

GOAL 1: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Increase economic activity and diversify the tax base, provide more jobs, and more shops and restaurants for residents to enjoy.

GOAL 2: OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION: Preserve and connect open spaces and maintain and update existing and create new recreational facilities, ensuring equitable access to these for all residents.

GOAL 3: NATURAL RESOURCES: Conserve and protect the town’s natural environment and biodiversity through land and water management, regulation, and public education.

GOAL 4: LAND USE: Ensure that new development is in keeping with the scale, uses, and characteristics of the specific neighborhoods, including the Downtown.

GOAL 5: CLIMATE CHANGE: Build local government’s capacity in order to provide leadership for sustainability and climate change resilience, and engage community members to do their part. 

GOAL 6: HOUSING: Increase the range of housing types and the affordable housing supply to meet needs of people throughout various stages of the life cycle and to increase the amount of housing that is affordable and that is designed for older adults.

GOAL 7: TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION: Address traffic congestion and improve alternative modes of travel including walking, biking and connections to, and parking for public transit.

GOAL 8: MUNICIPAL FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Maintain and update municipal facilities and ensure that municipal services meet the needs of residents and protect public health.

GOAL 9: HISTORIC AND CULTURAL RESOURCES: Celebrate Walpole’s history, protect historic resources, and increase the presence of art and culture in Town.

GOAL 10: COMMUNITY HEALTH: Invest in resources and services to protect the health and well-being of Walpole residents, especially the town’s most vulnerable people.